Saturday, July 02, 2005

Slow Hand


I have no idea if Eric Clapton played at Live 8 today.

And, no, I'm not going to go look it up - although my daughter and I did enjoy Annie Lennox' that we caught after first listening to that Promo-Girl drivel on the CBC while driving out the Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal this morning.

And I'm telling you, if that pernicious parking purgatory at Tsawwassen, which makes the pretzellian logic of Lorne Mayencourt look like a perfectly straight line between Bute and Thurlow, is not reason enough to throw David Hahn out on his ass immediately, well I don't know what is.

Unless, of course, it turns out that Mr. Hahn has been spending a bundle on cosmetic upgrades and VIP lounges instead of on, oh say, clutches and drive trains.....

But I digress (as usual).

Anyway, it turns out that we have somebody else in our midst whose hands are slow, but not with the guitar.

And that would be Sean Holman who, in a recent interview with Richard Warnica of the Tyee, attributed his resignation from the Vancouver Sun, at least in part, to the fact that he was a slow writer.

Which is interesting, I guess, as far as it goes.

But what was even more revealing is the fact that it turns out Mr. Holman was himself a compatriot of a number of interesting, fresh-faced young fellows from the late '90's when he was studying at UVIC.

"Before leaving for Carleton he (Holman) was a member of the University of Victoria's federal Young Liberals. The group he called "the liberal mafia" included senior political aide David Basi, who is linked to the BC Rail scandal, lobbyist Erik Bornman, who is expected to be a witness in the case, and Jamie Elmhirst, the current president of the Federal Liberal Party in B.C."

All of which is going to give Mr. Holman quite a leg up on the background for the big trial that is finally coming.

Not to mention potential access to some darned fine 'X-Marks-The-Spot" maps leading to treasure and/or metaphorical graveyards where the bodies are buried.

Can't wait.

Update: Aunty Bertha is riled up about BC Ferries for all the right reasons.


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