Monday, August 08, 2005

Screwed By The Surplus


Cue the Whirlitzer and start spending a few mill on the PropMachine, because British Columbia definitely is:

The best place to......
Get help if you happen to be a kid, or a parent, or a family in trouble.

Well, actually, apparently not.

Paul Willcocks summarizes the Morley Report:

"It's grim. Families who need help to avoid tragedy can't get it, because there's no money or time. Scared teens who want to kick their addictions are turned away, because there's no treatment programs. Young adults suffering from fetal alcohol effect are launched alone into the world at 18, to become criminals, addicts, prey. A little continued support and their lives would be saved (and taxpayers would be spared the far more costly consequences of their later disasters)......"

There is!

And if the newLINO Centrists (are you paying attention Ms. Taylor? Mr. Oppal?) don't have the guts and/or clout to step in and correct this situation by convincing his Gordness to spend, let's say, a measly 2 or even 3% of that bloody surplus (ie. $75 million of $2.6 billion), well, we will remember, and we will do our best to make sure that the entire province remembers to ensure that they are thrown on the top of the scrap heap with the rest of the Red Meat Faction when the SS Gordon Campbell is completely dismantled next time around.

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