Tuesday, November 22, 2005

And By The Way.....


For the record (see previous two posts) Sam Sullivan, at least as of yesterday, maintains that he has never met James Green:

by Miro Cernetig and Francis Bula

Sam Sullivan won the mayor's seat by a margin of 3,747 votes over his main rival, the veteran politician Green. But there was another Green on the ballot, James Green, who won a surprising 4,273 votes.

That is raising questions about whether Sullivan was beaten by the doppelganger effect: Did people confuse which Green they were voting for?

"It disappoints me that there would be any questions about it," Sullivan said in an interview. "I would much rather have had a clear outcome....

"I never met James Green. And in fact, I brought this up to friends and I said it bothers me a lot."

Looks like somebody's got some 'splainin' to do.


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