Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Defending The Indefensible - Part III


The evidence of the extent of the tragedy caused by Gordon Campbell's ideological dismantling of the Ministry of Child and Family Development continues to mount:

"Solicitor General John Les has confirmed that the number of child death investigations shelved in 2002 when the government axed the children's commission could be significantly higher than the 80 reported on Monday."

And so far the Premier is content to spin soundbites:

"My expectation today remains exactly what it was nine years ago, even, six, five and four years ago. I expect children's deaths to be investigated," replied Campbell."

Sure. And two + two = five.

Because the fact of the matter is that it was Campbell, and no one else, that sent the independent Children's Commisioner packing.

Thus, one can only conclude that Mr. Campbell's 'expectation isn't worth the soundbite it was recorded on.

So now is the time that we will find out if Carole Taylor really is a liberal who truly cares about those in our society that cannot protect themselves.

If she is she will march into Mr. Campbell's office immediately, as I'm sure she did a many times when she we was a councillor and he was mayor of Vancouver, and demand that this be fixed and MCFD funding restored - yesterday.

Because ideology doesn't help any kid who goes to bed scared every night.

Parts I and II of the indefensible is here and here.


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