Thursday, November 17, 2005

Vancouver Votes, Left - Reason #13


In Reason #6, I suggested that in my own poll of myself over and over and over again I figure I'll vote for Ms. Hamilton 0.3% of the time just to drive everybody crazy.

Well, apparently I'm not the only one.

By way of example, here's an exchange from the thread to Reason #11:

Oh man, you are deluded. Take a look at, to see how you're hero is a thief, and has basically sold out the left. You're promoting a scoundrel, who will sell your house to a developer and then claim he created social housing for you.

Why did he split with COPE, cause he's hoping he can get them out of their, as they ask too many questions.

Gravatar Sure, but perhaps you'd like to check out who's running around with Sam Sullivan's PR machine's envelopes.

See Reason #6 (ie. Jamie Lee Hamilton = proprietor of blog cited) and then read this.

Deluded, indeed.

Gravatar She recycles.

Gravatar Aahhhhh,interesting.

Funny thing is, when I recycle and still have items from a year ago, it's usually because I have a lot of 'em.



'Nuff said?

Well maybe not, because it looks like there just might be some serious dirty trickin' going on.

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