Friday, November 18, 2005

Vancouver Votes, Left - Reason #20

Weird Agreements

Well, it looks like Jim (not James)Green and Jamie Lee Hamilton agree on at least one thing:

VANCOUVER – Green Party school board incumbent Andrea Reimer has done a great job as a trustee over the past three-year term and deserves to be re-elected, Vision Vancouver mayoralty candidate Jim Green said today.

“Yesterday I endorsed the COPE school board candidates, and they endorsed me for Mayor,” said Green. “I’m very happy to do the same thing today with Andrea Reimer, whose work with the COPE incumbents over the past three years has been absolutely excellent.”


Holding the balance of power on School board and I want her as the
QUEEN maker is Andrea Reimer of the Green Party."

Guess who's who.

Vote Andrea Reimer (GreenParty) - School Board.


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