Thursday, July 13, 2006

Kenny Boy Died For Somebody's Sins.....


....But Not Mine

"Jesus? Sure, let's start a religion after Kenny boy, a religion of corporate crime. Blessed are the corporate weasels, for they shall inherit the workers retirement savings funds. He died for our cons."
Q, In the Comments
To a post on Ken Lay being compared favorably to MLK, JFK and Jesus.

Which immediately brought to mind a line from one of the greatest albums, and never mind the narrow type-casting of the rock and roll genre because we're talking about the greatest of everything that can make you feel anything here, of all times.

Of all times.

Jesus died for somebody's sins
but not mine
meltin' in a pot of thieves, wild card up my sleeve
thick heart of stone
my sins my own they belong to me.....


I first heard Patti Smith's Horses in Grade 12.

And I remember taking all kinds of crap from my friends, especially the guys in our soon-to-be-nascent garage band for pushing it.

But it was absolutely life changing for me.

This was all that the poetic, thinking, feeling, rebellious and, yes, even the Rock and Roll, life could and should be.

And it was coming from a girl.

And even when it wasn't her own stuff she turned it into magic, like Van Morrison's 'Gloria'.

Or my all time favorite added to the remastered version, which is her live rendition of Pete Townsend's 'My Generation' in which the tag line morphs from 'hope I die before I get old' into 'I don't want no f@#*ing sh*t!'

Oh, how I long for the days of the beautifully profane.

Instead, all I get now is Jessica Simpson, everywhere, including everytime I open Yahoo to check my mail.


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