Monday, July 03, 2006

Who Loves Ya Davey?


Is it possible that the Crackberry addicts in the PMO are starting to wonder if the MP from Canforcouver Kingsway is actually worth the trouble*, especially if he can't even deliver his own Corptocracy.....

Lumber industry representatives in three provinces and the B.C. government have expressed concern about the final draft of the U.S.-Canada softwood lumber deal initialled on the weekend.

Again, please do not misunderstand the situation.

These are industry**, not labour, groups that think the so-called 'deal', as it currently stands, stinks.

But then again who cares what anybody, even the guys that are supposed to be on your side, really thinks at a time like this.

Because this thing only has to get to it's 'Best Before Date' of July 6th and then anything can, and likely will, happen once the Shrubbery and Little Stephen have had their photo-op and accompanying fo(u)rty*** minute bad-guy bash-a-thon.

*Here's a funny thing that may or may not mean nothing at all, but if you try searching for images of Mr. Emerson and Mr. Harper, together, it's a tough slog. The closest I got was an official PM prop-page, in which the original link to a google image cache thumbnail has been scrubbed.
**And given the fundraising history of the SS Gordon Campbell government I place it in the 'Industry' category as well.
***And don't forget to watch closely for the Luntzian rub-out of all excess 'u's coming to a federal government office near you in the Summer of 2008 just in time for the roll-out of the 'Fortress North America' identity cards that will be a major campaign plank of the 'Return Of The Jebbinator'**** .
****OK, OK, OK. We know that the Jebbinator has not actually arrived yet, so he can't technically be returning, but who says that the Rovian Propagammon Machine can't fool a considerable proportion of the electorate into thinking that the Shrubbery's sibling is actually running for re-election next year.
Photocredit: FlungingPictures.


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