Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Catapaulting The Kids


When I was a kid I went completely googlie over those Scholastic book flyers.

And getting the packages a few weeks later was even better.

And for a while, I even enjoyed going through them with my own kids.

But increasingly, I have become dismayed with all the outright junk that they cram in those things these days.

And now?

Well, it looks like they've started to peddle outright crapola:

To spread the word about “Path to 9/11,” ABC is sending 100,000 high school educators a letter from 9/11 Commission co-chair Tom Keane informing them of the various platforms on which the mini is available. ABC and Scholastic have pacted to produce an online study guide.

I guess it's like the PropMasters always say.....'Get 'em young, get 'em forever'.


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