Saturday, September 02, 2006

Where Will All That Slush Go?

It'sMine, AllMine

So, the date for announcing the list of all the ' meritorious initiatives' to be paid out of the SLA's $450 million dollar Fund of the Slushies has come and gone and Lambert of the Corrente wire has some interesting speculation as to why there has been nothing but silence.

Remember, the original example of a “meritorious initiative” Katrina reconstruction. So, you’d think the Bush administration would do everything possible to end their Katrina public relations nightmare by making half a billion dollars available to the citizens of New Orleans. But apparently not.

So, why hasn’t the list been published?

1. They forgot. $450 million, they forgot?

2. They don’t want to tell anybody where the $450 million is going.

Call me crazy, but I’ll pick door #2.

And while Lambert may be right, I'm still looking for that door #3. After all, Monty Hall never offered to make a deal without giving a sucker a third choice.


And don't forget, ol' Monty was once a Canuckistani before the game show (fool's) gold dust started getting in his eyes. Not sure about Carol Merrill though.


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