Saturday, October 28, 2006

The Biggest Hedge Fund Of Them All



Looks like the Corptacular Fatcats must be looking at different polls than Mr. Karl Rove.

"I'm looking at all the same polls that you're looking at every day," (NPR's Robert) Seigel responded (during a recent interview with Mr. Rove).

"No you're not!" Rove exclaimed.

Rove said that he was reviewing 68 polls a week, and that "unlike the general public, I'm allowed to see the polls on the individual races," as opposed to public polls reported in the media.

"You may be looking at four or five public polls a week that talk about attitudes nationally, but that do not impact the outcome," Rove said.

Rove claimed that the polls "add up to a Republican Senate and a Republican House."

"You may end up with a different math, but you're entitled to your math," Rove said. "I'm entitled to 'the' math."

Full transcript of interview which can be heard at NPR:

How do I know the obese fellinious ones are looking at different numbers?

Well, as Tom Cruise once said when he, apparently, was still sane.....

"Show Me The Money!"

WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 — Corporate America is already thinking beyond Election Day, increasing its share of last-minute donations to Democratic candidates and quietly devising strategies for how to work with Democrats if they win control of Congress.

The shift in political giving, for the first 18 days of October, has not been this pronounced in the final stages of a campaign since 1994, when Republicans swept control of the House for the first time in four decades......



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