Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Hey Everybody, It's a Shoving Match!


OK, OK, OK, it's only a press release.

But, as the actual text of these things rarely becomes part of the record we thought we'd post it up.

And besides, it came our way from someone who loves to see pol-piloted media whirlitzers collide but who, unfortunately, is too busy at the moment with other things to stop and watch the sparks fly.

For Immediate Release
February 28, 2007

Liberals Demand Apology from Pierre Poilievre

Ottawa - Lawyers on behalf of the Liberal Party of Canada
and Liberal MP Navdeep Bains today delivered a letter to Conservative MP
Pierre Poilievre demanding that he withdraw his false, misleading and
defamatory statements made during an interview on CFRA radio in Ottawa
on February 22, 2007.

The statements were calculated to cause damage to the Liberal Party of
Canada and to injure the reputation of Mr. Bains and to discredit Mr. Bains
as a person and as an elected official. The letter serves as Notice of Action
as required by section 5(1) of the Ontario Libel and Slander Act.


Office of Navdeep Bains
(613) 995-7784

Renée Filiatrault
Liberal Party of Canada
(613) 783-8423

Oh, and by the way, here is the audio to the interview cited (mp3 file).

We have to admit, there are some pretty wild-eyed statements in there from Mr. Poilievere.

One of the wildest and most Luntzian is this one:

"....we know there is an extremist element in the Liberal party generally that has been very vocal in opposing measures that are designed to combat terrorism."

I also noted, with interest, the use of talking points like 'flip-flop' and 'loonie-left' that are being used over and over again by other fellow travellers like Mr. Day.

All joking aside, please notice the frame that the CPC Strategists/Junior Rovians are trying to build around their newly birthed News Zombie.

Specifically, that it is the centrist Liberals who are the extremists rather than Mr. P. and his bosses who, of course, are actually doing their best, even from a minority position, to radically re-jig the country formerly known as Canuckistan.

We also thank Mary for bringing the thing to our attention in the comment threads. Mary is definitely not too busy to chase down media whirlitzers. In fact, she is trying her best to find the ones that should be covering the BC Rail/Ledge Trial saga (although, finally, it looks like there is some media interest due to a little pushback from the defense).
TheTorStar has a partial transcript of the interview up.


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