Saturday, February 17, 2007

Insinuendoism - The Prequel


"I can name names and there is documentation.
But I'm not going to because I want to take the high road."

Vancouver City NPA Councillor (isleof)Kim Capri, Jan 30, 2007

That, as Vision Councillor Heather Deal noted, was the Insenuendo.

The following, which happened just a few days before, was the Prequel.

At the January 25 (planning and environment committee) meeting, council was to deal with two reports: a single-room-accommodation bylaw status report and the Downtown Eastside housing plan reporting back on the SRA stock.

Delegations were kept waiting for almost two hours as councillors fired questions at housing-centre staff over the two complex reports before them. The first speaker was Paul Shayler, wanting to talk on behalf of a Carnegie Community Centre colleague. When Non-Partisan Association councillor and committee chair Kim Capri refused to let Shayler substitute, chambers erupted.

From: City Edits Anti-Poverty Committee Out of Online Archives

By Matthew Burrows, The Georgia Strait, Feb 08, 2007

And here's the best part: you can see it all here (at the end of the first video clip).

As for the 'Isle Of's' original efforts in McCarthyism, NPA style?

Well, they were deferred to a later meeting of the Planning Committee The Isle' chairs to be discussed, would'a thunk it, 'Behind Closed Doors'.

Now, of course, this is all ridiculous and inexcusable.

But with the NPA's and Smilin' Sammy's disastrous housing policies now under scrutiny from both the East and the West, not to mention the False (Creek) sides, I smell something else in the air.

And its name is deflector spin.


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