Friday, May 04, 2007

The Good Saint Dobelldip


This is good.........very good:

..........And Gord saw that it was good, because he said it was so. And Gord

appointed to be at his right hand the Angel of Content Consultation,

his most favoured messenger, whom he called St. Dobelldip.

And Gord sayeth to the angel at his right hand, “Yea Dobelldip, you

shall walk the pathways that I proclaim, and in them you shall do my

will, for you are my messenger. You shall sit with the Lords of

Olympus and the Gods of Gateway, and you shall speak the words of

my mouth, that the Gord’s will be done. For you and I are one mind

Dobelldip, and you are my messenger.”

And Dobelldip cheerfully did the Gord’s will. And the Gord rewarded

Dobelldip, yea with much fine gold, but also with special powers, so

that Dobelldip could be in more than one place at once, and in each of

them do the Gord’s will.........

Go read the entire thing at Vancouveriste (but make sure you don't have anything in your mouth when you do or you may end up with guffaw-induced spray all over your keyboard).



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