Monday, May 19, 2008

You Want Numbers.....

....Greg's Got Numbers On Tomorrow's Primaries

And it does not look good for HillBill.

".....We project Obama will win 45-49 delegates on the night (47 is the average), giving Obama between 1655-1659 pledged delegates. Given 3253 total pledged delegates, with these projected results, Obama can claim he’s won a majority of the elected delegates (1627 is needed). In fact, with just 86 total pledged delegates yet to be awarded in Puerto Rico (55, June 1), Montana (16, June 3) and South Dakota (15, June 3), it is clear that after tomorrow, Clinton cannot mathematically catch Obama in elected delegates. Moreover, since April 1, Obama has won over three-quarters of superdelegates (71 to 22). With about 210 superdelegates yet to declare, a similar split would give Obama another 160 delegates to Hillary’s 50 — a gain of 110. That would leave Obama with a lead of almost 300 delegates......"

Greg's good.

In fact, to the best of my knowledge, he's never let us down, either North or South of the 49th.


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