Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Sammy And Peter Sitting In A Tree....


Sullivan and Ladner that is.

Actually, they were both in the same room together with the PuffMaster Flash, Rick Cluff, on Lotusland's CBC Radio One this morning (real audio file).

And, despite the PuffMaster's best efforts, a real debate almost broke out:

Shorter Ladner: Sammy can't win in the general.

Shorter Sullivan: The only thing that matters is that the four remaining NPA councillors love me.

On the first point - who really knows? Although somebody from Ladnerland actually left us a press release in the comments to our last NPA Battle Royale post. I won't reprint it here, because most of this he said/he said stuff being said in response to selectively leaked internal polling numbers seems to have the whiff of codswallop about it. However, if you want to you can read it here.

On the second point - Sammy is clearly running scared, because he dropped all pretense of playing to the wider electorate and instead tried to shore up support amongst those remaining NPA members that haven't already jumped ship prior to Sunday's nomination vote.

Meanwhile, back in a place called reality, FABula points out that Chinese community commentator K.K. Wan thinks both of them are doomed:

The most direct attack on Ladner came, actually, from the journalists' panel that he assembled to quiz him on Tuesday night in front of 150 people who, I'm fairly certain, know how they're going to vote on Sunday.

K.K. Wan, a dentist who's also a commentator on Chinese radio, said there's a strong ABS -- Anybody But Sam -- movement in the Chinese community. But they're going to Vision, even though the NPA is the "natural home" for their conservative values, because they don't see Ladner doing anything differently from Sullivan.

"I see the NPA losing lots and lots of support to Vision Vancouver," said Wan, who also waved his arm at the room of mostly white people and said "When I look around, I see big trouble in your campaign."

Wan hammered Ladner repeatedly about the lack of Chinese candidates and supporters and also about Ladner's lack of separation from Sullivan.......


It's almost more exciting, and hopefully even more devastating for the Creme-de-la-Creme party, than the never-ending Obama-Clinton slugfest.

Especially if the loser makes a fuss on June 8th.



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