Tuesday, June 03, 2008

We Interrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Programming....

.....To Inform You That, Yes!, This Is Still Canuckistan


New, and fabulous, Canadians Laura and Alan have the story:

The House of Commons has voted in favour of the resolution that demands the Harper government immediately cease all deportation proceedings against any Iraq War resisters currently in Canada and allow all resisters and their families to remain in Canada and apply for permanent residence.

Vote total announced as Yea: 137 & Nay: 110!!

It was a very simple procedure: The motion was read and then voted on. Yeas stood and were counted, then the Nays. The totals were announced, the speaker declared the motion passed, and they moved on to the next item.

{snippety doo-dah}

"House of Commons votes to let U.S. War Resisters stay in CanadaOTTAWA, June 3 /CNW/ - The Opposition parties in the House of Commons joined together today to adopt a recommendation which, if implemented, would make it possible for U.S. Iraq War resisters to obtain Permanent Resident status in Canada.

The recommendation was adopted by a majority of Members of Parliament from the Liberal, Bloc Québécois, and New Democratic Parties. The Conservatives voted against the motion......"

OK Mr. O'Reilly......

Have At Us!



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