Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Ya, But Is It 'Restricted'?


Amazingly, there is a story that has nothing whastoever to do with cleavage or Biker gangs that managed to knock the plight of poor Max 'My Head Is NOT An Empty Suitcase' Bernier off the front pages the last couple of days.

Which is that there has been a change in ownership of a jingle that fronts hockey games on the TeeVee in Canuckistan.

Essentially the CBC didn't want to pony-up for the rights to the song so BellGlobeCTVCHUMTSNMedia swooped in and snapped them up for a reported $3,000,000.00.

Which, of course, is about half what a decent hockey player costs these days.

Now, there has been all kinds of discussion and bombast on the subject - most of it ridiculous in the extreme.

But there was one great line.

And it came from sportswriter Jim Kelley while he was kibbitzing with Dan Russell on the latter's sports talk show last night:

'The song was a free agent. And I'm sure it just did what was right for its family.'

No word yet whether another local Lotuslandian sports talk host named David Pratt plans to 'recycle' the line.

Stay tuned......


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