Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Everybody's Favorite Candidate Who Is Not Running For Vision....


.....Weighs In

And Mr. David Eby is most definitely not a happy camper re: the Olympic Village Bailout Boondoggle:

"Hard to know what happened in that closed room, but I'm choked that every councillor present, from Cadman to Sullivan, voted for the $100m loan guarantee, and voted for the meeting about it to take place in camera.

It's taken a few days to process, but man, what was that about?

It's enough for me, right now, that Vision and COPE seem to have recognized the mistake, and that Vision mayoral candidate Gregor Robertson has pledged to get to the bottom of the loan guarantee in public, to keep me from voting NGP (Nude Garden Party), but I hope that those who voted in that closed room are deeply embarrassed about what took place...."

And as our good friend Bob said when he sent the Email with the link to Mr. Eby's post:

"Damn, I wish he would have made it through the Vision nominating process . . . ."

Hard not to agree with him.

Well, actually, both of them.



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