Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Conflation For A VSun Nation


"One way or another, I'm gonna find ya' ......I'm gonna get ya', get ya', get ya', get ya!"
Blondie, One Way Or Another, 1979


Just how, exactly, is the Vancouver Sun going to 'get' Gregor Robertson before he even begins?

Why, by conflating a $173 fine for making the mistake of having the wrong transit ticket in his pocket with a billion dollar blitzkrieg boppin' boondoggle of being built by a billious band of bombastic bad boys now trying to bust their way out of hedgie-bag with our booty, of course.

"...Robertson's apparent outrage at the secrecy surrounding the decision to lend $100 million to the developer of the athletes' village for the Olympics also conveniently allowed him to move past his embarrassment at being caught fighting a $173 fine assessed for riding SkyTrain without paying the proper fare..."


That's the ticket Sun Editors.

But, if you don't mind our asking - just what did happen to all those full-page Condohype ads you recently stopped running anyway?


Oh, and did I mention recently that CanWest is doomed? Maybe the time has come for Mr. W. to give Big Frank M* a call to tell him to hurry up and put that new consortium together......
*Not Mahovlich


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