Monday, December 29, 2008

The Secretive He-Man Woman Haters' Club Of Canada (v2.0)

....Having Their Reasonableness Cake and Eating Their Base Too



Well, well, well.....

Whaddy'a know.

The Maximum Leader of all of our Haters' Clubs has, apparently kinda/sorta decided not to back the newly resurrected, and highly secretive, 'He-Man Woman Hater's Club of Canada':

OTTAWA — In the face of dissension within the party, Stephen Harper's Conservative government is reiterating its commitment to not reopen the debate on abortion.

"Throughout his political career, the prime minister has been clear on this issue," said Dimitri Soudas, a spokesman for the prime minister. "We will not introduce or support legislation on abortion."

The issue resurfaced Monday when Rod Bruinooge, a Conservative MP for Winnipeg South, published an opinion piece in the National Post arguing why he has "no choice but to advocate for the unborn and seek to have their value restored.".......

Isn't that just fine?

Looks like the Maximum Leader has decided to look his most 'reasonable' after letting one of his mini-me's send a signal that is sure to have 'The Base' pining for the fjords all over again.

Which, I suppose, is not that surprising given that this is the kind of wedge-issue gambit that served the Atwater/Ailes/Rovians very, very well for years before their House of Codswallop finally collapsed (for good?).

After all, if a Maximum Leader were to actually deliver what the base wants most most how the heckfire would he keep the money and the votes coming.

Not to mention the true believers/fanatics to deliver them.

Deliver the money and the votes I mean.


Not surprisingly, despite the fact that his house organ propagammon piece was only printed this morning, the mini-me leader of the He-Man Woman Hater's Club has already locked himself in the clubhouse for the duration:

"(Conservative MP Rod) Bruinooge was recently elected chairman of the Parliamentary Pro-Life Caucus, a multi-party caucus that predates the Harper government by many years. Bruinooge could not be reached for comment......"

Meanwhile, parliament remains closed because the Maximum Leader also has has hate-on for coalitions.

Or some such thing.


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