Thursday, December 25, 2008

Tired Of The Same Old Crap On Christmas?


On the radio I mean.


Radio-Free-Woodshed Is On The Air!

Just point your browser here on Christmas Day for a Potpourri of Excellence On Par With Nothing Else This Side Of, Oh Say, Japan!

From the Reverend Paperboy no less.

Here's the Rev's tentative line-up.....

"A dramatization of "A Christmas Carol" from 9amEST/6amPST straight through to holiday storytime starting around 7 pmEST/4pmPST featuring stories from Dylan Thomas, Stuart Mclean's Vinyl Cafe,O. Henry, Paul Auster, Tom Waits, Dr. Seuss, Steve Martin, David Sedaris and others and lots of music.....'

And, what's more....

The Rev. promises that there will be:

"No cursing or punk/heavy metal/free jazz during prime time"!


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