Friday, February 27, 2009

RailGate Re-Runnneth Over


"The Court Has Made A Decision...."

That's all Gordon Campbell House Leader Mike de Jong had to say when he was asked if he was 'worried' that the NDP has managed to get a hold of 15 binders containing some 8000 pages of RailGate-related material previously obtained by the Defence through a court-forced FOI request.

How do we know this?

Because Public Eye TeeVee has recorded it for posterity:

Which, of course, is nothing short of a pseudo-smirking, non-denial denial of non-deniability.

Or some such thing.

Truth be told, I kinda wish SM Holman had asked Mr. De Jong what he thought of the 2 other binders that the NDP did NOT manage to get released.
Either that, or I wish Sean would hop on a ferry so that he could knock on the flight instructor's door, camera in hand, and ask him the same question he asked Mr. de Jong.


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