Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Campaign Day 15 (cont'd)....Is Bill Bennett Doomed?


Don't know for sure, but this story from Justine Hunter, the far superior half of the G&M E- Blog-writing team, sure makes one wonder:

...The Kootenay East riding is expected to be a close race – the Liberal candidate Bill Bennett won here in 2005 with a margin of just 721 votes, and now faces a challenge from the B.C. Conservative party leader Wilf Hanni.

Mr. Bennett, speaking to reporters after the rally (with BC Liberal Leader Gordon Campbell yesterday), said it is still a two-way race between himself and the New Democratic Party candidate, Troy Sebastian. However he expects Mr. Hanni will bleed off support from voters who recognize the Conservative brand from federal politics.

“I'm not concerned at all about Mr. Hanni, if you heard him speak you wouldn't be concerned about him either. But he will take some votes because he's with a brand, the Conservative brand that people recognize here.”

Mr. Bennett, who once lost a cabinet post because of his blunt way of communicating, denied he was insulting voters for assuming they can't distinguish between the little-known B.C. Conservative party and the one in power in Ottawa.....

This one could get very interesting.....


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