Friday, April 03, 2009

Live Blogging The Ledgie Boys....


9:58am: This week, the Goodship brings us the show from another of Gordon Campbell's billion dollar boondoggles, the Vancouver Convention Center, whose cost overruns were long 'supervised' by the man of many hats, Ken Dobell.

10:02am: What, no news about how the (nolonger)Giant98 is doomed?

10:05am: His Gordness reports that the ConCenter overruns were due to the need to put in extra pilings.... (me: $500 million worth?....sheesh, why didn't they just sink a couple of fast ferries under the thing)

News over.....

10:10am: Discussion of how the ConCtr was kinda like the FastFerries from get go ....

Darn....I'm a bit stuck with work multi-tasking at work at the moment....


10:50am....OK I'm back....where'd everybody go?

10:55am: Here comes more election talk....Ooooohhhh.... the Watercarrier says they don't quite have the technology in place to make a remote hook-up all the way from the Convention Ctr back to CKNW headquarters (with phonecalls all the way to Victoria too!) work, all together, without echoes and Funny, don't remember Jack Cullen having any trouble hookin' up when he took off for The Cave to interview, say, Mitzi Gaynor, and have a belt between tunes 40 yrs ago....Again this just more evidence that the notsoGiant98 really is going down the drain?

10:56am: 'Judy' from the North goes all media monitoring.....Vaughn has doubts about a caller from Prince Rupert having seen the Ctr itself....Watercarrier jumps in to defend....Interested 'support' coming from the North....

10:57am: Watercarrier says Palmer sounds like 'Brian in Garden Bay' (CampbellWearsABalletSuit....on the Tyee CommThreads?) sure, you bet, Mr. Good....It's all nothing but a big partisan joke.... Think I can, if I try really hard, hear the steam coming out of Mr. Palmer's ears....

10:58am: Another call from the North slams Palmer for making the link between the ConCtr and Fast Ferries.....NDP sucks/Liberal great 'cause they no how to take care of oooooohhhhhh..... are the 'PAB'st Blue/Red Ribbon Boys really that worried about Mr. P's column published earlier today (see below).

10:59am Six reasons how the Con Ctr is like the Fast Ferries from Palmer, rapid fire (and exasperated?).... I like the cost overrun suppression thing best (=Dobranos?)....Baldrey the apologist, agrees with Palmer, but not like ships rotting across the harbour (me: who put 'em/wants 'em to say there?)....

Palmer's Letterman countdown schtick was very good....hope he publishes 'em.

That's it....done....sorry to have missed the middle....had to put some food on the table.

Note added in (sloppy) proof: Here's a link to Vaughn Palmer's full column on Mr. Campbell's Fast Ferry that will remain forever docked.....After you read it, you may have a notion of why Mr. Palmer appeared to become a little exasperated with Mr. Good and some of the more cheerleadier-type callers.....


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