Thursday, May 14, 2009

Moving Back To Meat Space....



I'd missed this in all the excitement....

Uncle Dave has left the Bloggodome:

"....A month after heart surgery, I'm playing tennis, swimming, riding my bike and walking. I have a lovely home, great friends and two wonderful grown children.

Baruch Hashem.

You folks who have been reading the blog and writing in have been wonderful. Your comments have been exactly what they should - funny, incisive, argumentative, spirited.

Time for some of you to entertain and inform us with your own blogs.

May we keep our eyes on the prize - good health, companionship, love, community, the spirit...."

We'll said Mr. Berner, and here's hoping we run into you in the real world sometime/somewhere.

On the plus side, scout has resurrected one of our favorite bloggodomic quiz shows of all time......FamousStupid People!



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