Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Missing RailGate Tapes....This Is Way Worse Than Mr. Nixon's 18 Minutes...



Because, according to an unbylined report from the CP, everything BEFORE Dec 2004 (ie. one full year AFTER the Ledge Raids took place....and five months AFTER the accused in the case were charged.... and one month AFTER the final deal with CN Rail went down) are, apparently, all gone:

"The tapes go back only until December, 2004, a year after the BC Rail deal was completed and police raided the legislative offices of David Basi and Bob Virk, two of the accused in the complex case.

“The most relevant periods are missing,” defence lawyer Michael Bolton complained outside court....."


And here's the kicker.....

"....(The Campbell Government's man in the Railgate Courtroom) Mr. (George) Copley added that a search of Premier Gordon Campbell's active computers in Victoria and Vancouver, along with those of chief of staff Martyn Brown, turned up no BC Rail references....."


Did the Preem and/or his assistants send all his computers out to EDS for sanitizing, by 'mistake' too?






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