Monday, August 17, 2009

RailGate On Life Support....Kinsella Cross-Examination Delayed


Apparently until at least September.

Who will be the judge then?

And what was this all about?....Well according to Leonard Krog (he said it, not me, on CKNW with Michael Smyth @ ~11:25am), apparently the defense wished to ask Mr. Kinsella if he was working for both BC Rail and CN the same in simultaneously....
Related (and perhaps more importantly).....The stepping down of Mdme Justice Bennett has at least temporarily knocked the Canada Line SynchphanticSchmoozeFest (ie. all 'dignitaries' no public all the time for the first three hours) out of the box as the lead story on the (notso)Giant'98....Can you imagine... just imagine (really!), where the Railgate story would have gone today if Mr. Kinsella had been subjected to defense questioning today if there had been NO (rushed-up) Canada Line opening.....


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