Saturday, August 22, 2009

RailGate Run-Around, Part Deux....


Last night, I commented upon a Canadian Press report that completely vindicated the earlier eyewitness report of Lotuslandian Super-Bloggers Laila Yule and Great Aunty Bertha.

Now that the excitement has died down I thought I'd mention something else that the Canadian Press' Camille Bains caught the proMedia up on, which is the following:

".....Kinsella's role with both the seller and the buyer of the Crown-owned rail line, which eventually sold for $1 billion, was also questioned in the legislature in 2003 by then-New Democrat MLA Joy MacPhail......"


How, we can't help wondering, did Ms. Bains stumble upon that little tidbit?


Last night a 'source' (take that Mess'rs Baldrey/Palmer/Good) told me that it was raised in court yesterday but, regardless, we can't help but note that Ms. McPhai's 'question' was also mentioned in a comment tacked on to a Globe and Mail column by Gary Mason published last Monday (ie. five full days before Ms. Bains CP piece was published)?

Here is the precise text of that comment:

8/17/2009 11:58:56 PM
It's interesting, I seem to recall that Joy McPhail asked the good Premier of British Columbia a related question, on the floor the Legislature, way back in May of 2003......

It went something like this:

J. MacPhail: "A longtime Liberal Party fundraiser is Patrick Kinsella. He is the lobbyist for CN. Has the Premier or any of his ministers met with Mr. Kinsella and representatives of CN?"

And, the funny thing, the good Premier also refused to answer, either in the affirmative or the negative, that question also.

Hon. G. Campbell: "I don't have an answer for that. As the member opposite knows, if she wants to know about specific meeting times with either myself or the minister, she can do that through freedom of information."

You can find the exchange in Hansard for May 28, 2003.....Just go there and type 'Kinsella' into the search box of your browser.

Here's the link for that day in history:

And who wrote that comment, you might be asking yourself?



Now, to be absolutely up front here, I first came across the exchange between Ms. McPhail and Mr. Campbell because Paul Willcocks had the good sense to post it up after a reader alerted him to it quite some time ago.....All of which is a very good example about the true power of the Bloggodome when it is used wisely by folks who pay attention, are conscientious, and who do their best to check their sources (take that again Mess'rs Baldrey/Palmer/Good).


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