Saturday, October 31, 2009

It's Saturday Morning...


Halloween morning is not the time to smack-up, hard, against what many might argue is the single most important concept in free-market economics.

Which, of course, is the law of supply and demand.

What the heckfire am I talking about, you may be asking?


After spending most of the morning battling with Telus*, I finally emerged from the Subterranean Blues Room with the express written consent of C. to start carving the pumpkins with the two E.'s.

Five minutes later we were in a quandry due to our inability to find the pumpkin carving tools.

Bigger E. was all ready to have a go at the Orbs with kitchen knives.

Instead, I took off with littler e. thinking we could pick a set up in about five minutes.



Canadian Tire on 'The Stinkin' (a.k.a. Kingsway)???....Sold-out.

New PriceSmart on Knight???..... Blank stares (but we did pop into the library to pick up a couple of books, which was OK).

Dollar Store on Fraser???....Nothing but plastic junk.

Buy-Low** on Fraser???....Finally....Gold!....Or, at the very least, chrome-plated junk metal.

But fifteen bucks for two little saws and a few plastic bits?


*More, much more, on my decidedly anti-free market battle with Telus later.....
**How many Lotuslandian Grocery Store chains does Jimmy the P. have to own anway...and which lesson in free-enterprise is totally surreptitious market domination taught in anyway?.....(Anti-) Trust-Busting 101a, perhaps?


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