Monday, May 24, 2010

RailGate Spur-Line Re-Visited....



Maybe it's a good thing Omnitrax, the folks that paid Pilothouse $297,000 so that they could, in turn, allegedly give $27,000 of it to Aneal Basi, didn't win the Spur-Line to Roberts Bank Consolation Prize after all.

Otherwise, they may have held us up for ransom on that local 40km of railbed the same way they're doing out in the Kootenays with the Kettle Falls International.

Sheila Gardazi, in the Grand Forks Gazette, has the story:

Industry has proposed an agreement that, with government assistance, might keep rail service in Grand Forks, said Mayor Brian Taylor on Monday. A group of shippers that use the railway, including Pacific Abrasives and Interfor, contacted Omnitrax, which owns the Kettle Falls International Railroad.

“They were looking for an economic solution, and they found they could not find some economic solution exclusive of some government funding,” said Taylor.

What are these people anyway....

Corptacular Communists?

Just so you know, Omnitrax has threatened to tear up the tracks if it doesn't get what it wants, from governments on both sides of the border.




  1. Rich Coleman

    Dec. 27, 2003 - B.C. Solicitor General Rich Coleman calls Premier Gordon Campbell, who is on vacation in Hawaii, to tell the premier to expect an important call in the next days. Coleman says later he did not give Campbell any details. Source:

    John Les
    John van Dongen
    Kash Heed
    Kash Heed

    All past Solicitor Generals, all have had their hands on the file for the BC Rail raid on the legislature.

    Are they all possible candidates to be called as witnesses, or just Coleman?

  2. Also Mike de Jong (current SG) for he appears to be at the heart of the latest dirty trick scandal involving Kash Heed's campaign workers.

    It was at his All Candidate meeting that the NDP candidate answered YES to an inheritance tax on April 23, 2009 and by May 1, 2009 the BC Liberal Party website had (still has) the NDP introducing a Death Tax along with Barinder Sall on behalf of Kash Heed.

    During an election, do you think a Campaign Manager like Sall could have posted the Death Tax message in two different locations without party headquarters knowing the facts even though de Jong is mentioned in a direct quote?

