Tuesday, October 12, 2010

RailGate Delayed Again...Did Wild Bill Just Throw In The Towel?



Update: Ian Reid, who was both inside and outside the courtroom this morning, has the most value-added, CorpMedia or otherwise, that I have read on this matter so far, here....

Well, well, well.....

Whaddy'a know.

The RailGate trial has been delayed.


Apparently, this time the delay has occurred because the Special Prosecutor, Bill Berardino, has decided to make like George Costanza and shout.....


Here is the money quote from Neal Hall's first-past-the-post report in the VSun:

"The Crown has just advised that they are reorganizing their case to decrease the length of this trial substantially," B.C. Supreme Court Associate Chief Justice Anne MacKenzie explained to the jury.


Perhaps now is the time to throw in Keith Fraser's wee bit of added value in The Province:

'....The judge adjourned the trial until next Monday.

At jury selection, there were more than 40 witnesses on the list. Since the trial began in May, that has been cut down by a number of witnesses.

Outside court, Berardino said that his decision to reduce the witness list was in the best interests of the justice system. He said his decision would not impair the strength of the Crown’s case.....'

Sure thing Mr. B.

Of course, it had nothing to do with the way the defense has wiped the floor with your first two witnesses and the third, the ol' Flight Instructor, 'allegedly' slated to be up next.

All of which begs the question.....

Just who, exactly, was on that original Top 40 RailGate Hit List of Mr. Berardino's?

Well, we don't know for sure, because, despite reports indicating that the list was read, in full, in open court, with the jury present, it has never, to the best of our knowledge, been published as one complete set.

We did do our best to piece it together previously, based on myriad published reports though.

As a result, this is what we came up with back in May of this year (ie. 2010):

Campbell Administration Apparatchiks
Martyn Brown
Kenneth Dobell
Brenda Eaton
Yvette Wells
Chris Trumpy
David Morhart
Joy Illington

WestCoast FedLib Rainmakers
Mark Marissen
Bruce Clark

Former Campbell Government Ministers
Judith Reid
Gary Collins

Railway Magnates
ClaudeMongeau (CN's current Big Boss not named David)
Rob Ritchie (CP's Former Big Boss who cried wolf)
John Nash (CP Exec.)
Gary Rennick (OmniTrax' COO)
Dwight Johnson (OmniTrax' CEO)
John McLernon (BC Rail's former* Chairman and the former Chair of the 'Evaluation Committee' during the BC Rail Restructuring*)
Kevin Mahoney (BC Rail's former* CEO and a former 'Staff Advisor' during the BC Rail Restructuring*)
Brian Kenning (former* BC Rail Board Member)

Former Agents in the Employ of OmniTrax:
Brian Keiran
Eric Bornman

We were right so far (which wasn't very bloody difficult).


It sure will be interesting to see who remains, don't ya think, especially given the fact that this has all been done, according to Wild Bill at least, 'in the best interests of the justice system'.




  1. Ah the "Shrinkage" episode of "Seinfeld" - LOTS of chuckles in that one, RossK.

    Thanks for the trip down Memory Lane . . . .

  2. A delay, really, what a surprise, and here I thought we could squeeze in a witness or two between now and the start of the 3 week Christmas break...

    And perhaps one or two more witnesses after New years and before Spring break(Tampa Bay, girls gone wild) recess....

    I think all legal watchdogs are rolling in the aisles laughing at the follies in court room 54...


  3. The list of 40 wasn't read out in front of the 12 person jury. The list was read out in front of the jury pool, therefore the list is protected by the publication ban laid down by Judge MacKenzie.

  4. A search for John Nash (CP Exec.) brought this up on Google, along with a reported total of 44.

    "Who's who in B.C. Rail corruption saga.

    By Keith Fraser, The Province May 16, 2010"


  5. someone may have overheard an sp saying not 44, not 40, not 30 but 20.

  6. How about we drop the zero and go for 2?

  7. Gary Collins
    Judith Reid
    Erik Bornmann
    Brian Kieran
    Martyn Brown
    Ken Dobell
    Brenda Eaton
    David Morhart
    Joy Illington
    Chris Trumpy
    Yvette Wells
    Bruce Clark
    Christy Clark
    John McLernon
    Kevin Mahoney
    Brian Kenning
    Claude Mongeau
    Bob Ritchie
    John Nash
    Dwight Johnson
    Gary Rennick

    21-2 (Brown and Kenning) = 19


  8. "A list of individuals who may have records relevant to the BC Rail sale"

    July 20, 2009 Vancouver Sun

    "Here is the list of individuals whom the judge ruled may have records relevant to the BC Rail sale:

    Premier Gordon Campbell
    Martyn Brown
    Mike Morton
    Lara Dauphinee
    Ken Dobell
    Brenda Eaton
    Jay Schlosar
    David Cunningham
    Tom Syer
    Jessica McDonald
    Gary Collins
    Paul Taylor
    Chris Trumpy
    David Morhart
    Yvette Wells
    Judith Reid
    Christy Clark
    Shirley Bond
    Richard Neufeld

    (Search of the Legislature on December 28, 2003)

    Rich Coleman
    Kevin Begg
    Brian Kieran
    Erik Bornmann
    Jamie Elmhirst"

  9. Thanks Anon--

    Yes, we've seen that piece, from May, by Keith Fraser, and we have linked to it previously

    However, even Mr. Fraser himself said today that it was originally about '40'.

    Please note that Mr. Fraser wrote the following about Mr. Bruce Clark back in May:

    "...Bruce Clark, brother of former cabinet minister Christy Clark and a longtime federal Liberal Party executive member, is on the list...

    Based on that, and the fact that we could find no indication from any other published report to the contrary, we took it from this that Ms. Christy Clark was NOT on the original list - which is why you will also NOT find her name on our compilation shown in this post.

    However, if anyone has evidence to the contrary, we would be happy to listen if it is credible.

    As an aside, we had 'heard' that Mr. Clark's name was on the list before Mr. Fraser published it. However, we could not confirm this with a second credible source, so we held off before the fact....


  10. Thanks Anon #2 (or 1a?)....


  11. Wot? No Patrick Kinsella? Or is defence going to try to call him (granted, he may be at a birthday party...or maybe playing golf in Palm Springs with former ACJ Dohm??).

  12. skook--

    They play golf in Palm Springs?

    Heckfire, I thought everbody spent all their time praying to the patron saint of the Desert Rich.....

    (a.k.a. Sonny Bono)

