Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The De-Redacted RailGate Warrants....First Impressions...


This 'alleged' stuff is unbelievable.

Case in point.....

Initially, I couldn't understand what the heck Keith Fraser was referring to last night when he wrote that Mr. Erik Bornman told police his payments to Aneal and David Basi provided a "modest tax benefit" to himself (ie. to Mr. Bornman).

Here's the quote from Mr. Fraser's original report in The Province:

....."Well apart from modest tax benefit for myself, I guess the primary reason is, you know, I was not believing, didn't want to believe in my own mind that these were, these were bribes. In politics people often get paid to do political work."....


Now that I have read Point 32 of the just publically-released "Search Warrant #1" dated July 22, 2004, I can only conclude that Mr. Bornman told police that he made a number of payments for phoney 'contracting services' to Aneal Basi (that were then passed to Mr. David Basi) using cheques drawn on his own personal company's (ie. not Pilothouse's) bank account.

Thus, it would appear that, based on both the 'tax benefit' statement and the statement that the paper trail of cheques was 'an advantage to me' (see point 32; i of the warrant), that Mr. Bornman may have written some of the payments to Mess'rs Basi and Basi off of his own taxes.


Please note: Mr. Bornman was never charged with any crime. He was, however, granted immunity for his 'anticipated' testimony by RailGate Special Prosecutor Mr. Bill Berardino...That 'anticipated testimony was never given due to the sudden and speedy end to the trial earlier this fall.
Meanwhile in SpinVille....After initially ducking, Ms. Clark 'snapped' her fingers.... Which story do you figure will lead at six o'clock?....



  1. fourth document must be the best... the Vancouver Sun has posted it upside down like they were handling a Leonardo da Vinci secret.


    Da Vinci Code..... good call

  2. Ya NVG....

    It prints out just fine though....


  3. prints out just fine?????

    Vancouver Sun journalists are supposed to be professional, that's why they get to have Accreditation. They not only published this section four document upside down, but they also put the first page, and every sequel page, starting from the the bottom to the top.

  4. I just watched both the CBC (5-6 pm)and CTV (6 pm) and not a word on either station about this!! This is like government controlled media, but it is consensual. Absolutely unbelievable.

  5. Good news bad news Ross K

    The good news is I don't have teevee. The bad news is I am forced to get it, tomorrow.
    Do you get the feeling that "cluck cluck snappy fingers" jumped into (or was pulled into) the mix just to muddy the waters?

  6. Thanks Olivia--

    Although, to be fair, Jeff Davies had a bit of both the snappy fingers and BC Rail on Ceeb Radio.

    Personally, I have been very unimpressed by CeebTeeVee's new political reporter Mr. Smart. The insight there, in my opinion is sadly lacking.



  7. GaryE--

    Short view in Oak Bay today is most definitely yes...Andrew MacLeod also reported that she ducked a real, scheduled sit down with reporters while Jeff Davies had her cluckin', shuckin' and finger snappin' during a streeter where, one can only presume she could dance away from real questions.

    Long view for the rest of us....I think they brought her in because their cluster-bomb polling told them she is the only chance they've got....How else to explain who's lined up on her side.


  8. red the warrants and the msm articles buried in their online editions.
    No mention of former journalist brian kieran's payouts in the articles. Curious how the $870,000 of Basi's unexplained income is now claimed by his lawyer to be $112,000 how and by who was it reduced?, If he had that much income perhaps he could have paid some of his own legal bills

  9. Ross, you might find Alex Tsakumis's latest article interesting - in the extreme. The next ten days or so are going to get really hot for some...at one memo a day, some might even have "the vapors" before he's done!

    Methinks they will be wishing for a holiday soon...a very extended one. Far, far away.

  10. Thanks Leah--

    Yes, most interesting in the uber-extreme.

    The thing is, even if he memos obtained by Mr. Tsakumis were written by Mr. Basi himself (and I must confess that he, Mr. T., makes a convincing case that they are), I am not convinced that the latter is a reliable narrator.

    I'll comment, with narrative comparisons, in more detail soon.


  11. bgreen--


    In fairness, however, Keith Fraser did have those dollar amounts in his Province piece from yesterday....

    Something needs to be said here, which is that, while they have not been far from perfect, it is the print folks who have at least been trying to pull their weight 'round here....


  12. 1) There's no two ways to look at it: By his very own admission, Brian Kieran is guilty of providing bribes to Dave Basi; and yet he was never charged. Hmmm.

  13. GWA--

    It would appear that Mr. Kieran is admitting to only one overt payment...and even here he argues he only did it because his client, OmniTRAX, told him to.

    Post on this coming....


  14. so the $870,00 is unexplained Basi family income, missed that part when I read fraser article yesterday

  15. bg--

    Contested by Mr. Basi's lawyers however....And later apparently lowered because, I guess some of it must have been, kinda/sorta 'explainable'?

    (which is not the same, unless I'm mistaken, as saying it didn't exist)

