Saturday, November 05, 2011

What Fresh Hell Is This?



Update Saturday @ 11pm: What I have to say below means nothing. I was off the grid most of the day because of what I had to do earlier which was essentially a meaningless errand (as noted below) and then what I had to do later (which was the usual science-geek junk) which also means nothing, really....In contrast, what Mr. Beer 'N Hockey has to say this evening means pretty much everything...Beer was downtown today, just a few feet from where the tragedy at Occupy Vancouver happened, and his report has all the humanity that just about every single proMedia report does not...

Normally, I would rather poke myself in the eyes with sharp sticks than go there.

But today I had to.

Go there, I mean.

And I did not buy a bloody thing.

You see, because the DMV office closest to where I work is out of commission, I had to go all the way out to the office located off just off Kingsway, at Metrotown, to renew my drivers' license on Saturday.

And once I got into the office it was a piece of cake. In fact, the folks working there were efficient and polite to all concerned.

Including me.

But Mein Gott in the Himalayas, the getting in and out that office was nothing short of a nightmare dipped in a million tiny amygdala-homing needles laced with spongiform encephalitic string-warts dipped in tabasco sauce mixed with nine million molar phosphoric acid.

Thus, I really have only one thing to say about the place which, to first sample, and then mangle, the good Docktor, is the following:

"Metrotown is what the whole hep world would be doing on Saturday afternoons if the Nazis had won the war."

For those non-Lotuslandians out there, Metrotown is our own perversely anti-private Idahoan fishnet and toddler toy emporium that is actually a replicant-laced version of the set of Blade Runner that also houses a near-suburban mall teeming with hundreds of shops disguised as Pachinko Palaces that sell nothing but crap to thousands upon thousands of lever bangers that have been convinced that they need all of it....One really has to wonder if the Sixth Reich is truly upon us given that..... 'The madness goes on and on and nobody seems to notice.'



  1. Metrotown Mall parking lot, like every other mall parking lot on this planet is a lobster trap ... easy to get in but jeez oh boy just try to find your way out ... all designed to keep you in the store.

    But you already knew that.

  2. Geez RossK, you're one step ahead of me here on Metrotown. I was there on Wednesday, went underground, and got thoroughly lost, but only because there's no signs saying North, South, East, West. The maze underground makes the false assumption that everyone knows where what's above, is.

    The real problem is that there isn't a connecting tunnel between East and West. One has to leave the West maze to surface on Kingsway (or the South road) go East (go West) and then dive back underground again....just to find the Food Court.

    I gave up. Parked at street level east of the Sears building......on Kingsway.

  3. Driver's Licence, is it for you or your driver.
