Monday, June 04, 2012

Why Is Christy Clark Bullying Several Of...

...British Columbia's Communities?

Apparently, it has something to with trying to force them to sign their RCMP 'Contracts'.

Based on some lousy 10 percent thing or other

CKNW has the story:

While Canada's national police force waits for several communities in British Columbia to approve a new 20-year contract, Premier Christy Clark is strongly suggesting.... they should get on with it.

More than 40 of the 62 communities policed by the RCMP have ratified the contract. 

Prominent hold-outs include North Vancouver, Coquitlam, Richmond and Burnaby.

Clark says --financially-- taxpayers in those communities are best represented by the mounties.

"They are going to lose ten per cent of the cost of the RCMP that's picked up by the federal government.... "

And that's just the set-up. Here's comes the part where Ms. Clark really tries to scare British Columbians, by threatening them with the big, bad, evil 'T' word:

..."They are going to lose ten per cent of the cost of the RCMP that's picked up by the federal government and I'm not sure where else they would get it, except from an increase in property taxes. For example, in Burnaby, where they've seen a 25 per cent property tax increase over the last little while and where they have one of the lowest RCMP ratios in the country or at least in the province, neither of those options, I don't think, are very palatable for the people of Burnaby."...


Given the subterfuge that went on both during and after the negotiations on the RCMP 'contract', instead of bullying her constituents, why doesn't Ms. Clark do something real by picking up the lousy 10 percent so that she can then help BC's Communities fight back against the gouging?

Or is doing something real just too tough compared with flirting with Richie-Rich Branson about his discount planes landin' on our tarmacs for "the very first time"  and then pretending to be outraged by the fun and games that ensue?



  1. Is the new deal with the Mounties tied to the RCMP's destruction of BC Rail evidence when they raided the BC Legislative?

  2. Anon--

    Don't know for sure.

    Perhaps that's the part written in invisible ink?

