Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Christy's Big Play Finally Gets Some Local Media Play.


Globe(andnolongerEmpire)Mail?......................For sure no (which is a surprise to even me).
Revelstoke Times and Review?........................Bingo!

B.C. premier Christy Clark stopped in at the Revelstoke Golf Club on July 31, addressing a mostly female audience in what was originally billed as a women-only event.

Clark's address to the audience of business community reps, Liberal supporters and local movers 'n' shakers started off on a family-values theme. She fielded local-interest questions on small business concerns and the condition of the Trans-Canada Highway through Revelstoke.

Clark brushed aside an audience member's suggestion for a toll booth to pay for improvements on the treacherous stretch from Kamloops to the Alberta border, saying it would unfairly impact locals. "Maybe we could toll just people from other provinces," she joked – quickly emphasizing it was in jest...


The joke's the thing for the (not)Premier's government by talkshow roadshow.



The Revelstoke Times & Review's coverage from Aaron Orlando is actually quite good and substantive. More interesting than the 'jokes' is the accompanying video of Ms. Clark's 'scrum' in which, right off the top in response to an explicit question, she makes it kinda/sorta, but not really, clear that she just not that into the Northern Gateway. The questioner who, I presume is Mr. Orlando, then comes back with a straight-to-the-point follow-up that she again obfuscates on. She then makes a bunch of stuff up about LNG.

And, no, 100 Huntley Street does not count...Laila, though, has that part of the story nailed to Ms. Clark's sanctimonious wailing wall, or....whatever.


  1. How come every time she talks it seems like we're getting screwed but never kissed?

  2. Very good question Colin.


    Do you actually want the latter to happen?


  3. Oh yuk you guys!!!

    I'm trying to keep my coffee down.
