Saturday, January 12, 2013

Saturday Night's Alright For Uke (Cover) Fighting!


Just a reminder before we get to the latest No-Holds-Barred Uke Death Battle...Regarding the Auditor General Firing Fiasco, I explain why any fix is up to us, here, and also try to convince you why you might want to consider signing a very reasonable

First, The Original, from the real originals, especially that Tina Weymouth bop-backed death-ray stare that still knocks me out, even now:

And now, The Cover, from those folks in the formal wear who have taken this stuff to a higher plane indeed:

Of course, there's always the fruvooshness of the Ghomeshi and Friends version, here...
As always, the UkePegHead at the top of the post is from our friend and LA Photo maven Ellen Bloom, whose site really is great and fun (it shows up on the blog crawl now too!)...Dug her recent story on sad passing of the real-life inspiration for Groening's 'Howell Heuser' on The Simpsons...



  1. Ah! Look at them rocking out in their tuxes! That is wonderful! I am going to watch that over and over!

  2. I never knew the Talking Heads to get all Ted Nugent with the guitar solos, and I mean that in the best sense.

  3. karen--

    Somehow, I reckon you will really dig their version of.... 'Shaft'!



    Absolutely...reason I chose this crazy-fingered version...wherein even Mr. Byrne looks like he's having some real fun.

