Tuesday, January 08, 2013

This Day In Snookland...Are The FedCon Shipbuilding Contracts In Trouble?


An Anon-O-Mouse, in the comments, alerted us to a recent piece by the CP's Murray Brewster in which he wonders if those contracts, you know the ones that the (not) Premier is counting on for a  big 'Jobs Program' propwash in the run-up to the provincial election, might be really to be bashed like the F-35 'contract' was bashed.

Here is Mr. Brewster's lede:

OTTAWA - The navy's long-delayed, much-studied joint support ship program is expected to come under the political microscope within weeks in what is likely another defence equipment embarrassment for the Harper government.

The parliamentary budget officer has been examining the program and is poised to release his findings once MPs return from their Christmas break.

Kevin Page's incendiary analysis of the F-35 fighter jet program sparked a raging political fire which continues to burn.

Now, documents obtained by The Canadian Press under access to information laws offer a glimpse of a troubled ship program set to deliver less capable vessels than originally envisioned...

Our Anon-O-Mouse also made the interesting point that the Westcoast chunk of these contracts was also used as an excuse by the Snooklandian fluffers for going offshore to build the new SeaBuses:

"...This is also the same federal ships program that the BC Liberals are using as part of an excuse to ship (pun intended) the new SeaBus contract overseas (local shipyards are too busy building supply ships and can't build the SeaBus)..."

Imagine that!



  1. You will see that the building of naval supply ships has been put off until “2018″

    From the article..

    "The $2.6 billion program relaunched in 2010 is expected to deliver two — maybe three — ships.

    But with the program delayed until 2018 and accounting for inflation — currently running at seven per cent in the shipbuilding industry — it will likely cost taxpayers more than if the government had stuck with the original plan."

    Better late then never.


  2. Anon--


    The Sixth Estate is way out in front on this story.

    Thanks again.

