Thursday, February 28, 2013

Breaking....CBC Dumps Mr. Flanagan.


Lunchtime Thursday...Not so usual suspects and fellow traveller's update at bottom of post

From the newswire thingy...

TORONTOFeb. 28, 2013 /CNW/ - "In light of recent remarks made by Tom Flanagan at the University of Lethbridge, CBC News has taken the decision to end our association with him as a commentator on Power and Politics.
While we support and encourage free speech across the country and a diverse range of voices, we believe Mr. Flanagan's comments to have crossed the line and impacted his credibility as a commentator for us".
Jennifer McGuire
General Manager and Editor In Chief, CBC News and Centres.
SOURCE: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
For further information:
Chuck Thompson
Head, Media Relations
CBC English Services


Et tu Globe and Mail?

Need background?

(...Of course, this liver-lillied, knee-jerk decision by the CBC could well mean that David Frum is now one step closer to becoming the Big Boss of the MoCo...Or some such thing...)

Update....Now even those finest of the fine folks at Alberta's Wild 'N Crazy Roses Party have made it clear that they have parted ways with Mr. Flanagan



  1. If only the CBC would part ways with O'leary they'd be getting somewhere.

  2. I am eagerly awaiting U of C's spirited defence of his right to believe and say the indefensible.

  3. Getting rid of Flanagan is a mistake. The public needs to know what these con creatures are thinking. Letting the Peel come off the wrapper will reveal what is inside.

  4. I'm glad to hear that the public broadcaster won't be spending public dollars on Mr Flanagan any longer; that's good news. What I can't understand is why his execrable ideas about Canada's First Nations and his gallows humour about being okay with killing Julian Assange hadn't made him persona non grata years ago.

  5. Although many Americans came to Canada to avoid being drafted and became excellent Canadian citizens, Tom Flanagan is not one of them.
