Tuesday, February 26, 2013

This Day In Snookland...Another One?..Seriously?!


Please note: There is a follow-up to this post....Here.

At the time the resignation was announced we really did wonder.

Honest we did.

But, still, despite the fact his health problem was diagnosed last fall, we were willing to give one of the fine folks who was at the original 'BC Rail's Going Private' MLAs' meeting with Gordon Campbell in early 2002, Mr. Pat Bell, a break.

Of course, now there's this, from the MoCo:

A CBC News investigation has uncovered serious allegations against the B.C. government and provincial Jobs Minister Pat Bell related to the proposed Wood Innovation and Design Centre project in Prince George.

Bell and the government are accused of promising to influence what was supposed to be an independent bid process in favour of two developers with ties to the B.C. Liberal party.

The allegations are contained in a written complaint filed last November by two Prince George businessmen and submitted to Jane Shackell, the lawyer charged with overseeing the fairness of the bid process...

{snippety doo-dah}

...But the minister insists that everything was handled properly.

"I'm very comfortable with it," Bell told CBC News.

He also said that, in any case, he was not in a position to make any deals ahead of time, as the complaint alleges.

"To be clear, I do not sit on the project board nor have any authority over it. I would not and could not offer that type of offer to anyone."...

Sure thing Mr. Bell.

But how come you didn't offer up any jokes about greasy burgers and fries on this one?



  1. Remember from mid 2012..Pat Bell and emails to Bill Belsey..

    How much did this stinky episode cost the city of Prince George..

    $3.5 million dollars in legal fees..


  2. Grant--


    That is precisely what we were wondering about at link in post.


  3. Kind of makes one wonder about the whole story and since these boys gave generously, how much the short listers "donated". And the inquisitive amongst the crowd might also wonder who owned the land previously and what their political connections might be. If one was suspicious, and really, what have the BC liberals done to make us anything but, well .....suspicious. All the way back to BC Rail.
    The "eating their own" angle of this is also very interesting.
