Thursday, March 07, 2013

This Day In Snookland (ctd)...Parallel Investigation Blues.



I bet the Wizards' private Emails (and/or erasable whiteboards) are humming today.


Because, as we had an inkling of on Monday, it really does appear that Gordon Hogg is not one of them.

Rob Shaw has the story in the VTC. Here is his lede an a tiny bit more (but go read it all):

The chairman of the B.C. Liberal caucus has launched his own review into a multicultural ethnic outreach scandal, saying he has a moral obligation to investigate how taxpayer resources were used in the scandal.
Liberal MLA Gordon Hogg, who chairs the 45-person government caucus, said he launched the review because he has “a fiduciary responsibility to be able to respond to my caucus that the funds allocated for the purposes of caucus — work, research, communications — has been handled appropriately.”
Hogg’s investigation will parallel that of Premier Christy Clark’s deputy minister, John Dyble, who launched his own review last week...
{snippety doo-dah}

...The multicultural (strategy) document (that started the dual investigations) names numerous caucus officials as having apparent roles in the ethnic plan, including outreach director Lorne Mayencourt, executive director Primrose Carson, research director Blair Phelps and former communications officials Stephen Harris and Jeff Melland.
Carson is the top official in caucus, but Hogg said she ultimately reports to him...
{snippety doodle-dandy}
...Hogg has tapped Liberal MLAs Murray Coell and Rob Howard to help him conduct the investigation. Neither Coell nor Howard is seeking re-election...


There are issues with this approach in terms of the untouchables in the BC Liberal Party itself, but it kinda/sorta looks like, perhaps, these Three Muskateers, two of whom are Bully/Vader-proof, want to make sure the Wizards don't wriggle off that deep-seet hook of their own making.

Also, does it not signal something about Mr. Hogg's future intentions after the fall?



  1. Hogg wants to be re-elected. He wants to appear to be doing his job. He wants to get rid of all those who stand between rebuilding the brand and oblivion.

    It is unlikely Hogg will be defeated in the up coming election, even if he ran as an independant.

    where was Hogg while they sold B.C. Rail, fired 9K hospital workers, B.C. had the highest rate of child poverty in 8 yrs running in Canada; Hogg appear to have been missing in action for the past so many years, he may try to redeem himself now, but its too little, too late.

  2. Or maybe its just anther distraction and more smoke and mirrors; Is this second review by Hogg just back up/plan B attempt to answer the criticism and add some support and credibility to Dybal’s Plan A investigation. However, Horgan rightfully points out;
    “NDP house leader John Horgan said it’s still inadequate because neither review looks at the role of B.C. Liberal Party officials in the plan.

    Horgan said the Opposition stands by its call for an independent third-party investigation of the scandal, a suggestion the premier has rejected.”

  3. eaf--

    Precisely, where was the good Mr. Hogg then?

    Is it possible that he didn't quite have intestinal fortitude to take on the previous Premier?

    (and/or just didn't want to be taken out behind the barn so that he could be spit upon)



    Fair enough.

    We'll see.

    I guess, if one was really Machievellian in the extreme, you might try this because it means that, if you play it correctly based on near future events, you couldn't lose either way.


  4. Waste of Talent on the BC Liberals part. Don,t you people see the writing on the wall? How stupid do you think the public is? Perhaps a more apt question...How stupid do you really appear to the public?
