Friday, July 12, 2013

It Was 34 Years Ago Today That The Final Nail Was Driven Into Disco's Coffin


July 12th, 1979...

A promotion by Bill Veeck's (as in 'Wreck') son Mike, who later figured he was blackballed from big-league baseball because of it, went bad when the blowing up of a gazillion disco records ripped a giant hole in the outfield grass of Chicago's old Comiskey Park and thousands of kids stormed/trashed the field between games of double-header between the Chi-Sox and the Detroit Tigers.

Fearing for his players safety, Tigers manager Sparky Anderson pulled them from the field and later said that:

"Beer and baseball go together, they have for years. But I think those kids were doing things other than beer."

No word if Paul Feig made the trip down from Motor City to see the big event during his own high school days.

But somehow, in an alternate universe, I figure Ken Miller and friends just might have.

You can get the entire story and more photos too....Here.
Tip O' The Toque to Dan Epstein for the memory jog...



  1. Awwww Geez--

    My addition is worse than Cookie Dough Mike's.

    Guess I've gotta go Junior Moore.

    Thanks Anon.

