Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Real Girl Power, Personified.

The Rockford Peaches of the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League, circa 1950, in their dugout.

Of course they weren't girls.

They were women.


There is so much that is fantastic about this image on so many levels (click on it to enlarge).

I especially dig the 'F-you mentality' from a few of the players who appear to be letting the owners know exactly what they think about being forced to wear those stupid skirts.

And then there is the Bull Connor/Barney Fife hybrid over on the right, at the end of the tunnel.

From the always fantastic '90 Feet Of Perfection' (although the girls only got 85....damned owners).



  1. How aggressive is the human female?
    A Cold War Fought by Women - John Tierney, NY Times

    Full study - https://app.box.com/s/rdthllpbpfuk0g2lqtdt

  2. "I especially dig the 'F-you mentality' from a few of the players who appear to be letting the owners know exactly what they think about being forced to wear those stupid skirts."

    Appropriate dress codes today.
    One reason corporate culture sucks for women - Cathy O'Neil, mathbabe

  3. Cultural Suppression of Female Sexuality 2002

    Four theories about cultural suppression of female sexuality are evaluated. Data are
    reviewed on cross-cultural differences in power and sex ratios, reactions to the sexual
    revolution, direct restraining influences on adolescent and adult female sexuality,
    double standard patterns of sexual morality, female genital surgery, legal and religious
    restrictions on sex, prostitution and pornography, and sexual deception. The view that
    men suppress female sexuality received hardly any support and is flatly contradicted by
    some findings. Instead, the evidence favors the view that women have worked to stifle
    each other’s sexuality because sex is a limited resource that women use to negotiate
    with men, and scarcity gives women an advantage.

    .PDF/38 pages http://www.femininebeauty.info/suppression.pdf

    In summary, the direct tests have provided fairly clear support for the female control theory. The male control theory was repeatedly contradicted. In view of these data, it would take a considerable amount of new and strong evidence even to make the male control theory plausible again. The female control theory, however, appears to provide a good fit to most of the available evidence. The null hypotheses cannot account for all of the findings but may be contributing to some of them, and in particular may operate in tandem with the female control theory.

  4. About 10% of the players in the All-American Girls Professional baseball League came from Canada. Among them were the Vancouver sisters Helen and Marge Callaghan.

  5. Thanks Tom.

    And thanks all, above.

