Wednesday, March 12, 2014

This Day In Snookland...The Horsemen Cometh.


It appears that, as part of what might be their 'Quick Wins' investigation, the RCMP are sniffing around Snooklandian party sign-ups in the run-up to the leadership vote that put the boss in power.

Burnaby Now's Jennifer Moreau has the story. Here is her lede:

Two RCMP officers recently questioned Coquitlam resident Sanjay Sharma about his Liberal party membership renewal and whether he received a PIN number and instructions to vote in the party's 2011 leadership race. Sharma was told he was a witness in what "may or may not be something."

"The first question out of their mouths was, 'Are you affiliated with any party?'" Sharma told the NOW. "And I said, 'I believe I signed up for a Liberal (party) membership when Christy Clark was running.'"

The officers were questioning Sharma about an event he attended, in which he renewed his Liberal party membership with (Harry) Bloy, who was then the MLA for Burnaby-Lougheed (and the only BCL house member who supported Clark). Sharma paid cash to renew, then later received instructions in the mail on how to vote online for one of four candidates vying for leadership of the B.C. Liberals - Kevin Falcon, Christy Clark, George Abbott and Mike de Jong.

The RCMP officers asked Sharma if he remembered how much he donated and whether he remembered voting online, which he did. It's not clear what exactly the investigation is focused on, because RCMP can't comment. ...

(stuff in brackets, above, mine)



Whatsoever could the Horseman be sniffing around for we wonder?

The remnants of of an old Boyz' network, perhaps?

And what, exactly, is Herb Dhaliwal up to these days, anyway?


Whatever Mr. D. is doing (and we hope he is enjoying his retirement) we're pretty sure that is safe to assume that he is still not talking to the leader of that boy band from days gone by.

Just a note...We've been watching Mr. Moreau's work for awhile now...She did some good work on the disappearing of the Kinder Morgan public discussion sessions in Burnaby back in the fall and she along with the VSun's Jeff Lee, also helped dig into the smear that should have boomeranged on the Snooklandians (but didn't because, in my opinion much of the Lotuslandian proMedia just let it lie there in the grass) back in the last provincial election campaign...



  1. Not sure about this one ..Seems RCMP late in the investigation are questioning a fellow who probably would have done the membership voting deeds legitimately, as an honest supporter? Unless they were asking other questions we aren't yet privy to. Where are they sniffing really?


  2. Merv,

    Could they be verifying whether PIN numbers used to vote were used appropriately? For instance by the actual living person assigned the PIN?

    AGT alleged PIN thievery in a few of his posts before he went AWOL.

  3. Mar 4 I started wondering if Shifty Clark was in some kind of trouble, old boy or otherwise:
    a somber tax-respectin' Mike distance-me De Jong facing the media, gently pushes his oar to help shove Shifty off the ship via Muffy Reid...even transparency lovin' Horgan appears to be a better colleague to Muffy.

    And here's where a little quadrangulation/triangulation might be at play: Muffy spends, Horgan sorta defends, and D J comes off looking rather premiersterial...


    click on De Jong on Speaker's expenses RAW

  4. there was a lot of chatter about PIN and voting during the lieberal leadership voting. not much ever came of it. Now, all this time later, the RCMP "maybe" taking an interest. It either a move to try to get rid of Christy Clark or the RCMP is monuvering to get something else by looking in places she doesn't want them to. On the other hand, if our voting for party leaders isn't "legal" then how can they sit in the premier's chair, legally. Might be fun, but doubt if this will go anywhere.

  5. Merv--

    I think it's more what they were sniffin' at.

    In a sort of 'Back To The Future' kind of way.

