Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Keef Report...Idiot Paywallers!


What's it all about this time Alfie?

I mean...

Is it just that the Keef doesn't like folks that might be smart enough to figure out a way to chop away at the decaying base of his paymaster's debt pile while making a go of it themselves?

Especially given that, as Sandy Garossino of the NatO points out, the paywall concerned is not actually built in the manner described by the Keef:


Is it possible that the Keef is just really riled by Ms. Garossino's latest NatO piece on the price that the entire public (really) pays for private schools for the few.

Not that those two things are necessarily mutually exclusive or anything.

Idiots, idiots,

Previous Keef Reports can be found...Here.



  1. Paywalls aren't really that rigid..and, what's wrong with reading the three free...?

    Baldrey could write off the cost if he wanted..

    What is behind Baldrey's missive?..Not quite best guess is...

    Keith Baldrey considers the National Observer as amateur, as ideological as...Not as good as Global and Postmedia..

    Not worthy of requiring a fee...

    Mr. K...all partisanship aside...The National Observer, in it's short existence...

    They have scooped more, dug more, gave more indepth details, exposed corruption, cronyism, and pure government rot...

    They, the Observer, they don't let go of a story, pull no punches...Is the Observer partisan or bias..

    Indeed they are...However, being bias against a pipeline doesn't mean the reporting is faulty, to the contrary...

    You see Ross...I could care less if the Vancouver Sun and Global endorsed oil, pipelines, big industry, as long as the media reports the facts, the track records of these companies and the consequences of something going wrong,..if they reported the real cost, real job numbers...But they don't..

    Many consider me a lefty..not sure what that means..I base my opinions on facts..

    Global BC..Vancouver Sun, seems in recent years they base their industry/energy articles on opinions, missing are facts..


  2. Just when I thought I couldn't get any more pissed about tax money for private schools THIS! Ross you know how I feel about what crusty has done to our schools but THIS! This really pisses me off!

  3. Baldrey is so busy polishing nobs in Victoria he can't multy task.

  4. Keef's tweets always seem to put the ass in class...

  5. It would appear that there is a 'Keefing Hour' that seems to start about 10pm on certain weeknights...This time, some have indicated that he subsequently came to his senses (kinda/sorta) and deleted the more egregious tweets.



    I'm with you.

    And the self-rightousness of the folks of means who seem to feel that they are entitled to their exclusive entitlements is quite astonishing...Heard some of them on Mr. Quinn's talk back line this morning responding to his (Quinn's) grilling of the Education minister on the matter yesterday.


  6. I can't believe there are still people that give a shit about what Baldrey says or does

  7. who pays attention to KEITH's twitting things? Like when was the last time the guy actually acted like a real reporter who did his job, as in asking questions until the answer came, a real answer, not the first thing out of a B.C. Lieberal's mouth.
