Thursday, July 14, 2016

This Day In Clarkland...What Is A Lie Under Oath Worth?


Given that the good Mr. Gretes was charged with lying under oath to the privacy commissioner's investigators six times about his (now perfectly legal) Triple Deleting activities in the Clarklandian Ministry of Transportation, that works out to....

Hang on a second while I do the new fangled math known as long division...



Would'a thunk it.

And, as Laila noted on the Twittmachine, there are likely quite a few Wizards of Clarklandia high-fivin' like there's no tomorrow tonight.



  1. "After hearing submissions from Crown and defence, Victoria provincial court Judge Lisa Mrozinski imposed a $2,500 fine." - Times Colonist

    Would those submissions be publicly available?

    I'm wondering what price the Crown put on separate, multiple perjuries.

  2. Heck of question Anon-Above.

    I mean, what if the Crown's price was even less than four hundred and change?


  3. Perjury...lies under oath, breaches of trust, the list goes on. Paying of fines does not cut it. Remove the clowns from society, give them an orange jumpsuit, and let him swim with the sharks in the jail system. Send a valuable message to the rest of the clowns in this current "supposed democratic" organized criminal venture in BC.

  4. crime pays in political ways?

  5. Meanwhile, in other perjury news...

    The RCMP officer who fired the Taser that killed Robert Dziekanski has lost an appeal in the B.C. Court of Appeal against his perjury conviction.

  6. Does it not seem strange that no one in the MSM has asked or questioned the culture that lead to this? A fine for lying under oath? Really. The judge obviously has no respect for his own court room.

    The next sentence then says CC put rules in place to stop the practice. No one asked who started or maintained this culture. Journalism in BC is dead.

  7. Hopefully, in the next election campaign, the NDP will have a T.V. ad with Clark's victory speech where she promised that her government would be the most open and transparent one ever. Time and time again it has done just the opposite. When confronted and exposed, Clark's response is that she will try to do better. Jails are full of criminals that wish they could have the same luxury to do the same.

  8. A, 9:59 A.M. I'm sure the NDP would love to run those commercials but some one is going to have to pay for them and we can only hope people donate in advance of the election.

    at this time anyone or any group can run commercials regarding Christy and her cabal. You see Unions run some commercials from time to time, but not many others want to put their money where their mouths are.

    One could easily form a group and call it the Truth in Government Advertising group, and run commercials.

    Now as to the guy getting "off" easily you really do have to wonder where the cabinet minister responsible for all of this is. No one starts triple deleting in the scale of the B.C. Lieberals without some sort of "direction" from the top.

  9. in my opinion if it were 200 years earlier
    is it possible ,one party in BC, might think nothing wrong with slavery ?

  10. Anonymous said...

    in my opinion if it were 200 years earlier
    is it possible ,one party in BC, might think nothing wrong with slavery ?

    Never mind 200 years ago.
    This is what CC said this week:

    Penticton Herald: 5 questions for Premier Christy Clark

  11. 3 things Hawaii has rejected from BC .?speeding drunk driving and lng. 2 are a tie?How can you still have a job after that?

