Friday, July 28, 2017

The Keef Report.


It's good to see that, by the end of the day Friday, the good Mr. Baldrey had almost caught up to the idiot bloggers and the like.

And so it goes...

Will be back with a comment on MBrown's righteous (and rightly vicious) take down of local proMedia Club members over their fact-free 'The Dippers Killed #LNG" codswallopanarianism later.
Previous Keef Reports can be found...Here (scroll on down).



  1. Nothing gets by Keef.

  2. lets see how long this new "attitude" of his lasts.

    one could say some members of the msm are "grieving", dear leader Christy not only was reduced to non premiership, she then deserted them when they needed her most. How will they go on. the horror. who will tell them what the truth is. who will give them that big smilie, golf tournaments, all that good stuff.

    Oh, well boys and girls of the msm, suck it up and go back to doing the job you were hired to do back in the day and do some thing new and novel. report the news in a factual unbiased manner. for some this will be too great a task so do what Christy did, resign............

  3. "Former deputy premier and acting party leader Rich Coleman told reporters he was “emotional” from Clark’s announcement outside the Penticton Lakeside Resort where the BC Liberals were holding a caucus meeting Friday." - Penticton Western News

    Will the MLA travel and accommodations be fully refunded by the BC Legislature even though the event was partisan in nature?

  4. NVG, do you mean as in give the money back? yikes, man they have been at the public trough for 16 years. they need at least this last one time to gather and sponge you know, like it used to be for all those years.

  5. Piss poor people!!!! liars,robbers,bag o shyte LIARBELS,Wilkinson,Coleman,Polack,Stoned,are the worse of the worse as for the rest spineless cowards waiting to get at the trough,Jail is too good for them.

  6. @e.a.f.
    The BC Liberals had a public announcement to make on a Monday at Kamloops but the Government flew 'Minister' Fassbender up on the Sunday for a fundraiser at a golf and country club. Its all well and good for Ministers to make public announcements but to use his Office, his Title of Minister for partisan purposes for bankrolling an election war chest, the costs of transportation and accommodation should be borne wholly by the BC Liberal Party and not saddled on the shoulders of taxpayers.

  7. I completely agree with out. I was simply making an attempt at "humour". really it must have been just "terrible" to know the days of wine and roses were over, truly over, no jet, no chauffeurs, etc. simply the shock of it. perhaps they can all get a discount on a therapist to help them through this "difficult" time.

  8. We will probably need a new jail once these ex ministers and their cronies are investigated, for a multitude of offences. In the province you say? Hell no, Baffin Island, best place for them. We have to provide a new game for those people. Not pay to play, how bout pay to get out of jail? If you owe the taxpayer.....let's see Gordon Wilson $550,000 for work that cannot be proven to have been done? Hmm, okay, will let you out when the missing funds are returned.Or you can prove you actually earned the money.
    Funny how the obvious curtailment of freedoms will make people sit up and take notice.
    Christy, Coleman, Bond, Fassbender and others? Sure, why not. Their game is over.

    Time for the taxpayer to have the last's time to play "Pay to get out of Jail!"
