Thursday, December 14, 2017

Advent Jukebox, Day 14....A Festival Of Night Sky Lights.

"...One of the biggest points of interest about this painting is that it came entirely from Van Gogh’s imagination. None of the scenery matches the area surrounding (the) Saint-Paul (asylum) or the view from his window. As a man who religiously paints what he sees, it’s a remarkable break from Van Gogh’s normal work..."

Here's my take, capo'd up, on the songwriting imagination of Mr. McLean...

As per usual, you can catch-up on all of this year's Advent Jukebox tunes...Here.



  1. One of my fave painters — and songs. I found a copy somebody made, somehow found its way to our Free Store and now sits on the kitchen uppers.

    It’s a pretty good stab at authenticity, the frame is horrible but my better half acquiesces because she has enjoyed the Van Gogh gallery in Amsterdam. She also went to Vincent’s great-grand nephew’s (?) show of laser reproductions of select originals, in Vancouver, sent me the link and then brought me the glossy brochure. The cost for one of these? Get this: $35,000 — for a copy. She told me, having just seen the originals, that they (the laser copies) look weird. I guess in the way even originals look weird, seen for the first time after years of admiring prints. My claim to fame is I copied myself a self-portrait — the one with his ear bandage — in heavy palette-knife oil (I was an art student at the time)didn’t like it, so pressed the heavy texture onto a T-shirt which some dude at the pub literally bought off of my back (no shirt, no shoes, no service rule meant I spent some of the loot on off sales and headed home). Oil, being slow-drying, allowed me to squeeze out a couple more prints before my original was flatter ‘n’ piss on a plate and wouldn’t print no more.

    This copy in my kitchen reminds me that the vista is one of imagination, anyone’s imagination. I love it.

    The Maclean tune is unctuous, and I love it, too.

  2. Helluva story re: the T-shirts Scotty.

    And 'unctuous' is not a word you often come across at a wee F-Troop listed poliblog such as this one.


