Monday, January 29, 2018

All Your Pols 'R Veep.


From the lede of AdRad's weekend piece in the Globe:

In a span of a few hours on Wednesday night, Patrick Brown went from having an entire party machine at his back to being the loneliest guy in Ontario.

The political professionals he had brought in – his chief of staff, campaign director, messaging guru – were out the door before CTV's report about his alleged sexual misconduct had aired. He thought they would be alongside him as he delivered the emergency statement they helped script; instead, he ran from the cameras alone, learning afterward they had announced their resignations on Twitter while he was speaking...


That last bit reminds me of an old sub-header from the good Dockter's Watergate era piece titled 'Fear and Loathing In Washington: The Boys In the Bag':

...It was a nice place. They were principled people, generally...

Imagine that.

Sub-header to this post?...This.



  1. Mr. Brown is “the loneliest guy in Ontario” because he stands accused of activities that the current President Of The United States serially patented without consequence. But the very scary part is that the current POTUS has several patents pending.

    As HST said 44 years ago in the fine piece to which you link,
    “. . . especially when you start pondering the spectacle of a borderline psychotic with the brain of a small-time chiseler and the power to literally blow up the world never more than 60 seconds away from his gnawed-red fingertips, doing everything he can to force a hellish confrontation with the highest judicial and legislative authorities in his own country.”

    Mr. T. was both precise and prescient.

  2. I have said all along that the current president of America (and its people) have a low bar to slither under to top the Nixon days. Never underestimate America and its presidents’ ability to give it 110% however.
