Wednesday, January 31, 2018

What Do You Take With You When You Move?


When 'C' and I moved south to the Bay Area a long, long time ago all that we took with us was the stuff we could fit in our Mazda GLC (the forerunner to the '3').

When we came north to Lotusland a few years later we had a family and a house full of stuff, half of which went to Missoula Montana for over a month for no good reason at all.

All of which is just another way of saying that, despite the fact that we have moved three times since, not once have moved trees from one house to the next and/or brought in replacement trees to give us that old house feeling. 

That is not the case with our good friend Karen of the far north who recently brought in a replacement for the magnificent crabapple tree shown above when she and hers moved house recently.

You can read all about it...Here.

The only time that little GLC ever really let us down before we gave it away when, finally, at the age of 35 I finally got my first real job, was when the alternator quit once on the I-5, southbound...We were forced to coast to a stop just outside of Redding California, dumbstruck by the fact that the name of the place matches the colour of the dirt...


1 comment:

  1. read the blog about the trees. loved it. thanks for the Referral.
